My friend & co-worker had taken a trip up to Portland & she came back with a few little pin toppers she had got for her friend. One was polymer clay & the others made with shrinky dink plastic. They were really cute & so little!
I did a search for pin toppers & I found a couple of sites that offer these! I didn't even know they existed. So that got me thinking that I could take my bead designs & shrink them down & put them on top of a pin! Woo Hoo.. So my pin toppers were born!
This little frog is about 1/2 tall. He had to be "built" on top of a straight pin. The pin itself does have a ball on the end. Because of how the frog is made around it, it won't pull off. They take more time to make because of their smaller stature & then I shined him up with two coats of acrylic glaze.
I found some new pins at Joann's Fabrics this weekend. They have tiny glass ball tops & are about 1 3/4" long. I can't wait to try them out. I think they may be a little easier to work with.
My boss owns a scrapbook store & says that the scrappers like these for card making. Hmmm, I never thought about that! Of course don't use these for actual pinning of your sewing projects! They are for decoration of your pin cushion or wherever one might choose to stick one! I was thinking headpins for jewelry making also. But, the pin is so strong your couldnt bend it properly. So I might see if I can make these little guys on an actual headpin. We shall see!
TahTah for now. My vacation starts Friday at 5pm & I have camping gear to get ready & stuff to squirell proof. Hopefully I will be back with some photo's for y'all.