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Friday, July 9, 2010

Polymer Clay Lampwork Style!

I love glass lampwork beads! A couple of years ago I planned to teach myself how to make them so I bought a torch & some glass & a few tools. I went to work making rounds, only mine turned out to be oblongs! I thought I could fire up the torch & make my clay bead designs into little glass sculptured treasures. Boy was I wrong!! How do they do it?! Good Lord, its hard!
So my glass stuff is in a box, stored under my bed! Someday I will get it out again & try some again, but for now, polymer clay it is! Last night I got the hankering to make a new set of beads & I decided I wanted to make them with a "lampwork look". The pic above is what I came up with. They look really nice with the 2 coats of shine I put on them. Sort of gives them a glossy glass feel & I love pinks & black together. This set is a new endeavor for me as most of my beads are larger & sculpted/shaped animals & various characters.